First Dental Visit in Coppell, TX
Have you scheduled your child's first dental visit? At Coppell Pediatric Dentistry, we are committed to offering outstanding preventative care to our young patients. We are all about ensuring your child enjoys healthy smiles into adulthood and beyond.

Before + After The First Tooth
- After every feeding, clean the gums by rubbing with a soft gauze pad.
- Lower front 2 teeth grow in between 6 - 12 months.
- Once the first tooth comes in, it’s time for your child’s first dental visit!

Preventing Tooth Decay
- If your child regularly uses a sippy cup, or goes to bed with a bottle, make sure it only contains water.
- Never dip your baby’s pacifier in honey or any other sweet substance before you give it to your baby.
- Liquids like milk, juice and formula have sugars that can damage teeth. Your child should only have 6oz of juice a day, only at meal times. In between meals water is best.

Healthy Habits
- Brush their teeth with a soft-bristled brush and water after each meal.
- Don’t use toothpaste until the child reaches one year of age.
- Provide a nutritious diet with minimal added sugars.
- Discourage thumb sucking and pacifiers after age 3.